Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
as one

Medications - Know your stuff

Part of your treatment might include being prescribed medication to help you with your symptoms.

Medication can be really helpful however there are also a lot of things you should know before making a decision.

Choice and medication has more information and it is sorted by condition or medication name. Additionally some of our young people have said they find Young Minds- Head Meds a really useful website for information.

It is really important that you and your parent/carer are involved in the discussion about medication and fully understand why you are being prescribed medication, what the potential side effects could be and what other options there are.

If you are unsure or uncomfortable about something, make sure you ask so you fully understand. If you are not sure what or who to ask then Headmeds also has some advice on other things such as how to talk to someone about medication on their general advice page here.